A cremation ceremony will honor your loved one, but during the service, you may still be in shock about the fact that your family member is no longer here on earth. It can be difficult to go through the motions of greeting people and accepting their condolences or sitting quietly in your seat, while you listen to a guest speaker describe your deceased family member. If you are not quite ready to spread the ashes that are in the urn that you selected, bring the container home with you and plan an intimate ash spreading ceremony for a later date.
1. A Funeral Director Will Guide You
If you haven't decided upon a symbolic area to spread the ashes in, consult with a funeral director about your uncertainty. A standard cremation ceremony may take place in a church, a funeral chapel, or a private venue and this gathering does not need to follow a specific format. If you chose to hold a public ceremony, which involved friends and family members coming together to honor the deceased, you do not have to divulge additional information about what you are going to do with your loved one's ashes.
A funeral director can provide you with some examples of outdoor settings that you may want to utilize for an intimate ash spreading ceremony. A favorite lake that your loved one used to visit, a fishing hole that your family member enjoyed spending time at, or a tree that is growing in your yard, may provide a suitable and symbolic area that the ashes can be spread in.
2. You Can Include a Speech
Your private ceremony should include the people who were closest to the recently-departed. After a few weeks have passed since the standard memorial, you may be ready to begin planning a private ash spreading ceremony. For the time being, keep your family member's urn in a safe place inside of your home. Reach out to the people who you would like to attend the gathering.
Provide details about the location that you have chosen, any formalities that are going to be added to the ceremony and whether or not you would like people to speak about your loved one. If you want to be the main speaker, prepare a speech that covers the information that you would like to share. Gather everyone at the proposed location for the ceremony and verbalize the information that you have prepared. Afterward, pour the ashes in a spot that was meaningful to your loved one during their lifetime.
For more tips on cremation and hosting an ash spreading ceremony, contact services like Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel.